Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Teen Pregnancy in Uganda

In Uganda poverty is a big struggle for most of the people. One way the people of Uganda are making a source of income is by offering their teenage daughters to gain from the bride price. Herbert Matskio, a peer educator with the Reproductive Health Uganda says "They (the parents) have turned their daughters into a source of income generation." With the daughters being offered during the teenage years the result has been a rise of teenage pregnancies. The number of child mothers in the Kanungu district of Uganda is startling. To see a mother as young as 15 is not uncommon. The district of Kanugu is reported to have one of the highest teenage pregnancies rates in Uganda. Since these girls are being sold for a good bride price, they are usually sold to older men. Matskio, like stated before is a peer educator with the Reproductive Health Uganda, and his mission is to educate about the dangers of teenage pregnancy and being a young mother.

Article from New Vision goes on to discuss how HIV and AIDS are also involved in this problem. Also it explains how the RHU is working to get more aid into Uganda. I am glad there is more attention being brought to this increasing problem. As I have said in an early post as a Health Promotion major, I am very concerned about these types of problems. Teenage pregnancies is something that needs to be addressed all over the world and I am happy to see some parts really taking initiative on this issue. 

Here is the full article. 

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